Monday, March 19, 2012

So here I am. At the base of Springer Mountain. The southern point of the trail. Signed in at the visitors center as a A.T thru hiker. Its official! As much as I will miss my family and friends and the comfort of home in St.Pete, this summer is going to be a unforgettable one. Im looking forward to allllll the new things I'm going to experience. To name a few, the hike through the Smokeys (the place where the backpacker inside me grew), Grayson Highlands, The White Mountains, trail town and of course the glorious trail magic. At this point I feel very good about the gear that I have put together. I weighted in today at the visitor center. Total pack weight 26 lbs. Prepared for the good and prepared for the bad. Whatever may get thrown at me, I'm all positive here. Give it to me. The big K is in sight.  /\^/\^/\